



This examples was developed to show how to represent mathematical formulas related to indicators. It refers to Eurostat datasets about emissions per country and year, namely:

  • emissions of sulphur oxides, or SOx (tsdpc260)
  • emissions of nitrogen oxides, or NOx (tsdpc270)
  • emissions of non-methan volatile organic compound (tsdpc280)
  • emissions of ammonia, or NH3 (tsdpc290)
and the dataset about total population per country and year (tps00001).

Two compound indicators are defined, namely TotalEmissions (given by the summation of the four emissions), and TotalEmissionsPerCapita (TotalEmissions divided by TotalPopulation)

At the following url an instance of LodLive [1] running on this server is available: http://kdmg.dii.univpm.it/lodlive. Play with our examples! For instance, try to look up the indicator TotalEmissionsPerCapita.

[1] It is an experimental project by Diego Valerio Camarda, Silvia Mazzini and Alessandro Antonuccio that was set-up to spread and promote the linked-open-data philosophy and to create a tool that can be used for connecting RDF browser capabilities with the effectiveness of data graph representation.
